Monday, March 19, 2007

Kevin Sharpe - new artist

The new artist, at least for the first post-Waid/Kitson issue, is Kevin Sharpe, according to the latest solicitations. Sharpe did the fill-in art for issue 8 (here are some sample pages). He's also worked on stuff like "Army of Darkness", "Highlander" and "Battlestar Galactica" for other publishers.


  1. Cool! He's a local boy -- glad to see him get more work.

  2. Yep, I Googled his name and one of the things that came up was a Central Virginia Comic Con page that listed KC as one of the guests. I figured you guys would know him, or at least of him.

  3. Kevin does some great work. He is working on a book called CONTRACT due out 2008 by Indy publisher A First Salvo.
