Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Heroclix on the way

Only a month removed from the last set of Heroclix figures starring the Legion, comes word that the next set starring the Justice League will have even more Legion figures:
  • Bouncing Boy (common)
  • Tharok (uncommon)
  • Dream Girl (rare)
  • Time Trapper (super rare)

There's also a "Feat" card that features the Legion somehow.

Tharok is the last of the Fatal Five to appear in a Heroclix.

No images as yet, but as the sneak peeks are released, you'll see them here on the Heroclix site. Here is the figure gallery for those specified to be affiliated with the Legion. The Justice League set comes out Sept. 7th.


  1. Just posted some images at Legion World via HCRealms. No time to update the Clubhouse but thought I could let you know.

  2. Matter-Eater Lad is included in the set as a Pog.
