Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Summer party planning

A couple of summer party events to start thinking about...

1. If you're interested in joining us in Las Vegas for the annual "Legion of Super-Gamblers" weekend, let me know. A group of 8-10 or so of Legion fans get together every summer for a long weekend of gambling, partying, and socializing. This year we've chosen the weekend of Thursday July 17 through Sunday July 20, or whatever part of that you choose to show up. Anyone who joins us is welcome to hang out with us as much or as little as they like. We've got a private Yahoo group (no spammers allowed!) to discuss the details, so if you think you might be able to make it, I'll get you set up. Nothing like Vegas in the summer, I hope you can handle the heat. This will be our 12th annual trip, with people flying in from places like New York, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Houston, Seattle, and Phoenix, among others.

2. Which brings me to the second item... who's planning to go to San Diego this year? The Comic-Con is the weekend of Wednesday July 23 through Sunday July 27. Not coincidentally, the Vegas and San Diego weekends are back to back this year, so that those traveling from points east can make one long trip if they want instead of two long weekends. This is the 50th anniversary of the Legion, and although I have no firsthand knowledge of any programming, I'm sure that'll be part of the convention programming.

I haven't been to the convention since the 2002 season, and from reading about it each year, it gets bigger and bigger. If anyone scores a convention hotel room for relatively cheap this week and is possibly looking for a roommate, let me know!


  1. Mike, half the Collector Times staff are going to San Diego this year. Most of us are Legion fans and we're not missing this for anything. Right now I don't have an extra bunk on the beds, it's all even at the moment. If someone drops out, I'll let you know.

  2. Michael, the Legion World gang plans on having a large presence at SDCC this year and have even purchased a table. We are still in the planning stages but we'll be there for any 50th anniversary celebration, even if we have to do it ourselves. :)

  3. The Legion's anniversary has been announced as one of the themes of the con's 2008 souvenir book.

  4. Will definitely be there with bells (or at least a Legion flight ring on) for SDCC this year. I'm flying in from Singapore and will be hanging around for a week after that because I'll be attending Worldcon in the 2nd weekend of August in Denver, CO. Pity the gamblers won't be meeting the week after SDCC...

  5. As far as I'm concerned, the inferno (literally, if the A/C is off again) of Comic-Con can go to the devil.

    As for the "gang members" alluded to above, well, it'd be too noisy to attempt to talk to them, anyway, even if they didn't have the tar waiting. (I've already got the feathers. S.D. supplies the heat.) {rueful smile}
