Monday, November 29, 2021

Valor #14-15 annotations: DOA parts 3 & 4

Presenting two issues worth of annotations of Valor here again.

Annotations for Valor #14

  • DOA Part 3 of 6. The book is bringing in some of the SW6 Legionnaires - they're even on the cover! - and this title will soon join the other books. But in the meantime, Valor is still in the 20th century and I'm only tracking the 30th century crew. 
  • Pages 1-3: The scene with Brainiac 5, Triad, Saturn Girl, and Cosmic Boy is basically the same (identical dialogue, similar layouts) as Legionnaires #16 pages 9-10, which we’ll get to next spring.

Annotations for Valor #15

  • DOA Part 4 of 6. 
  • Page 5 panel 2: We are on Lori’s home planet of Baaldur. That should wave some bright red flags for the reader, although Valor would have no idea.
  • Page 7: for the next few issues, the scenes with Brainiac 5, Triad, Saturn Girl, Dragonmage, and Cosmic Boy in this series take place in between pages 10-11 of Legionnaires #16. On page 10 in the last panel they leave in the time bubble (as seen last issue), and then in the first panel of page 11 they return (which we’ll see later)
  • Pages 7-9: Dragonmage first appeared in LSH #33, but didn’t appear again on panel until #41. Old Valor left with Shady in #36, and SW6 Valor went back in time in #37. So unless they met off-panel in between the end of 33 and end of 36, Dragonmage has never met Valor. Which offers a good opportunity to infodump for those readers who may be only reading Valor and not the Legion.

I'm not tracking the dates in the Valor timeline, other than they occur in 1993. Once we get into Legionnaires #16 everything will retroactively fit into place but for the moment they're still TBD. Boldface indicates something new learned this issue about the timeline.
  • TBD: Triad reviews Valor’s history with Catspaw (Valor #11, in between Legionnaires #15-16)
  • TBD: Brainy, Triad, Saturn Girl, Dragonmage, and Cosmic Boy leave to go back in time to find out what happened (Valor #14, which is the same as Legionnaires #16 page 10); the Legionnaires are in the time stream and crash their Time Bubble (Valor #15)

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