Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Sometime between 9 and 10 pm last night, I had my 50,000th visitor since I started this blog exactly one year ago today. That's pretty good timing. Thanks to Google Analytics for the free cool stats, but most importantly thanks to the comics blogosphere for coming back.

For my one year blog anniversary (my blogiversary), I'm giving away a free copy of Adventure 247, the original appearance of the Legion from 1958. See this post for the details. I am still figuring out the details but it should be by the end of the month.

Top Ten ways people get here:
  1. Google
  2. direct link
  3. Wikipedia (for my entry on the Legion animated show)
  4. the Comics Weblog Update-A-Tron 3000
  5. Legion World message boards
  6. The Legion Clubhouse news/info site
  7. Blogger
  8. Comics Should Be Good! (old site)
  9. ToonZone forums (discussion on the animated show)
  10. The Absorbascon

My top Ten search engine queries:
  1. Adventure 247
  2. Adventure247
  3. legion+of+superheroes+cartoon
  4. "ronn-karr"
  5. adventure+247+blog
  6. legion+of+super+heroes+animated
  7. adventure+247
  8. legion+of+super+heroes+jlu
  9. legion+of+super+heroes+cartoon
  10. "legion+of+super-heroes"+animated

You have to scroll all the way down to #121 for "Dude where's my pants", #192 for "Jessica Alba Nude", and #268 is "Tinya got her groove back". Everything else is a (relatively) normal search.

Top Ten highest hit counts:
  1. Feb. 18, 2006 (442) - first look at animated show concept art
  2. Apr. 2, 2006 (433) - Warren Ellis-related April Fool's Day joke
  3. Apr. 1, 2006 (421) - more visitors from Ellis
  4. Apr. 26, 2006 (384) - Wil Wheaton's audition
  5. Sept. 23, 2006 (374) - animated show premiere
  6. Apr. 25, 2006 (372) - official announcement of animated show
  7. June 23, 2006 (362) - Newsarama link to licensing show info about Superboy/Superman swap
  8. July 11, 2006 (356) - animated show updates
  9. May 3, 2006 (349) - Wil Wheaton announced as voice of Cosmic Boy
  10. Sept. 30, 2006 (349) - animated show episode 1.02

Thanks to my loyal readers for keeping me afloat for this past year. It's been fun and I hope to have more of the same for the next year.

1 comment:

  1. thank YOU for your job! love your blog, always a fun and interesting read. happy blog-iversary :-)
