Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Other stuff going on

So did anyone notice a convention going on this past weekend? Other stuff happened too.

  • Spotted in the wild: a set of Legion figures from McDonald's, on eBay (where else?).

  • Spacebooger shows that the Legion really knows how to rap.

  • Booksteve has a house ad for Adventure 300. The 21st Century is so futuristic! I must drop them a postal card.

  • Just before he left for San Diego, ace letterer (and logo-ist) Todd Klein had a 3-part history of Legion logos. Did you know he created just about every logo since the one that debuted in LSH v2 259? Here's part 1, part 2, and part 3. You might recall my Legion logo trivia quiz, too.

Next up: hey, we had a new issue out; and San Diego wrapups for the cartoon and comic series.

1 comment:

  1. I have briefly reviewed the first couple of toys in my Capsules.
