Sunday, December 16, 2007

Caption contest 4: Why is this girl crying?

Awww, poor Shvaughn Erin. Why is she crying?


  1. "I can't believe that my life was screwed up by this crappy fanfic story!"

  2. "Dude, I became a chick so you'd love me, then I remembered you actually loved dudes! Dude!"

  3. Oh, Crap! Why are all the good guys gay?

  4. Fuck, Jan. Would you stop turning the salt in my tears to aluminum silicate?! It wasn't funny the first three times, and it's wrecking my makeup.

    The way you talked, I thought Trommian Bukkake would... I don't know... last longer.

    (Sorry, folks!)

  5. It just kills me that he looks better in that safari outfit than I do.

  6. This is the last time my character or the particular plot device that ruined my character will ever appear...

  7. "Oh no! Giffen is going to be writing the Legion again! What's he going to do to me THIS TIME?"

    All joking aside, Giffen revealed that he'll be using the Legion in his DC/Wildstorm crossover coming up.

    AND Paul Levitz announced that he's doing a Legion story for a Jim Lee art book thingy.

    Oh, just go over to Newsarama and see for yourself!
