Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Festivus trivia answers

Last week during the Festivus celebration, I posted my "Feats of Strength" trivia questions. Here are the answers:

  1. Whose kids were Brin, Bran, and Loni?
    Brin and Bran were twin boys and Loni was their sister, the children of Timber Wolf and Light Lady of the Adult Legion.

  2. Whose kids were Ronn and Arna?
    The children of Ultra Man and Phantom Woman of the Adult Legion.

  3. Put these children (listed here alphabetically by last name) in chronological birth order: Lauren Gand, Pol Jath Krinn, and Dacey and Doritt Ranzz?
    According to the 2995 Legion Sourcebook, Lauren Gand was born on June 27, 2994, about 4 months before Reep first approached Rokk about restarting the Legion; Dacey and Doritt Ranzz were born on April 13, 2995, two days after the destruction of the Moon; and Pol Jath Krinn was born on May 2, 2995, two days after the assassination of Tayla Wellington.

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