Today I present the Omnicom Players presentation of: Adventure Comics #247 as if it took place on Facebook. Yes, I know Facebook puts the most recent event at the top, but it reads so much easier this way from top to bottom. And this was put together right before their most recent makeover, so just deal with it.
Lightning Boy wrote on
Clark Kent's Wall: "Hello there, Superboy!"
Cosmic Boy wrote on
Superboy's Wall: "Hi, Clark Kent!"
Saturn Girl wrote on
Superboy's Wall: "Say hi to the Kents for me when you get home!"
Cosmic Boy wrote on
Superboy's Wall: "LOL pwn3d, we're from the 30th century, so we already know your sekrit identity!"
Superboy is now friends with
Lightning Boy,
Cosmic Boy, and
Saturn Girl via the
People You May Know tool
Superboy updated his
Top Friends list
Superboy is crashing through the time barrier in a Time Bubble and sailing 1000 years into the future. W00t!
Lightning Boy,
Cosmic Boy, and
Saturn Girl have left the 20th Century network
Lightning Boy,
Cosmic Boy, and
Saturn Girl have joined the 30th Century network
Superboy has updated the
Cities I've Visited map.
Superboy finds future Smallville is frickin' HUGE!
Saturn Girl,
Lightning Boy, and
Cosmic Boy added
The Nine Worlds Ice Cream Parlor to the
Where I've Been application
Superboy went to school and helped teach a history class about me
Superboy tagged
Cosmic Boy,
Lightning Boy, and
Saturn Girl in a Note, "25 Random Things About Me"
Superboy added
The Super Hero Clubhouse to the
Where I've Been application
Cosmic Boy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "We'll let Superboy join, but he has to beat me, Lightning Boy, and Saturn Girl in a competition."
Cosmic Boy used the
TV Trouble Finder application and found
a Sunken Statue
Superboy wonders how the Statue of the Unknown Spaceman sank in the ocean
Saturn Girl wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "No way your super-powers are going to beat my super-telepathy!"
Superboy used the
Telescopic Vision application and found
a runaway atomic robot
A Denizen of the Deep Sea gave
Saturn Girl a
Statue of the Unknown Spaceman
Superboy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "No fair, I was distracted!"
Cosmic Boy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "Sorry, you snooze you lose! To a Girl! LOL!"
Cosmic Boy used the
TV Trouble Finder application and found a
Forest Fire
Superboy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "No way I lose this one!"
Superboy used the
Telescopic Vision application and found a
falling satellite
Cosmic Boy used his magnetic powers to pull down a flock of iron meteors into a convenient lake right next to the forest fire
Cosmic Boy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "So where were you, n00b?"
Superboy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "STFU!"
Saturn Girl wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "Dude, you suck!"
Cosmic Boy used the
TV Trouble Finder application and found a
space cruise liner with a leaking fuel tank
Superboy used the
Telescopic Vision application and found an
escaped Neptunian invisible eagle
Superboy got an iceberg and cooled the air around the city so he could find the bird. Damn, I forgot about my super-hearing and infra-red vision!
Lightning Boy added the
Electric Sky Writing application
Lightning Boy gave the message "Your fuel tank is leaking! Return for repairs!" to
The Nova Express with
Electric Sky Writing
Cosmic Boy wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "That's your third EPIC FAIL, Superboy! Get out of here, you reject!"
Superboy joined the group
You Know You've Been Rejected by the Legion When...
Superboy wonders how I'll tell my friends in Smallville that I flunked out of the Super Hero Club?
Saturn Girl wrote on
The Legion of Super-Heroes Wall: "Ha ha, j/k Superboy! We made you fail for the lulz, we were hazing you! Sucka!"
Superboy joined the group
The Legion of Super-Heroes
Cosmic Boy used the
TV Trouble Finder application and found a
broken cosmic lamp in South Pole City
Superboy added
South Pole City to the
Where I've Been application
Superboy fixed the lamp with a magnetic meteor and warmed the city with heat lightning
Saturn Girl gave
Superboy a
Super-Hero Number One medal
Superboy has left the 30th Century network
Superboy has joined the 20th Century network
Superboy returned home
Inspired by Sarah Schmelling's Hamlet (Facebook News Feed Edition), which inspired DeeDee Baldwin's Austenbook, which inspired Tara Delsomino's Battlestarbook, which inspired Erica Grace Carlson & Heather Day's The Aeneid.
Previously on April Fool's Day:
Easiest Legion Quiz Ever and
Mordru's Vaudeville Career2007:
Legion cartoon season 2 episode list2006:
Animated Legion exclusive news