Friday, August 07, 2009

Chicago 09: It's Here!

Ah, con season. Everyone's still recovering from the behemoth that is San Diego, and now it's Chicago Comic Con weekend (formerly known as Wizard World Chicago, formerly known as the Chicago Comic Con before that). Here's what's on tap this weekend:

4-5 p.m.
DC Nation Panel
Michael Turner Room: A
Join DC Comics’ Ian Sattler for a peak at what the powerhouse publisher has coming up in the biggest titles from Geoff Johns’ Blackest Night event to Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin.

1-2 p.m.
Silver Age Trivia Experts Take On The Fans!
Mike Werringo Room: E
Come pit your knowledge of Silver Age super-heroes against a panel of trivia geeks! Fans will get a chance to compete against the experts to be crowned the champion! Moderated by Craig Shutt, writer of the “Ask Mr. Silver Age” column for the Comics Buyer’s Guide.

Additionally, George Perez will be doing several appearances at the Hero Initiative booth, where maybe you can talk to him about L3W. See the Wizard page with more info.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As threatened, I went as Brainiac 5 (post-Zero Hour reboot, as correctly identified by George Perez, who said 'I've drawn a lot of you lately...').

A few Pics here: