Monday, May 25, 2020

Déjà Vu 19: Legionnaires bursting out of the cover

Anyone know of an earlier instance of characters bursting out of the cover than Giant-Size X-Men #1? Superman #9 from 1941? How about any others? (Note that all of the New 52 #0 issues have the same theme, so I'm not including all of those, or covers where the characters bust out of a wall at us - just the paper cover. Yes, except or LSH v3 #1.)



zot said...

I’m not sure if it’s quite bursting out of the cover, but Superman v1 #9 seems like it is

Michael said...

Wow, nice catch! I figured X-Men couldn't have been the first, but I didn't know how far back it went. Added it to the page!