Thursday, January 02, 2020

A Field Guide to Legion Cover Variants, 2008-2009

The Field Guide to Legion Cover Variants, part 3: 2008-2009

The gallery, presented in chronological publication order along with cover date:


Action Comics v1 #859 - January 2008
Part 2 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc. Note that the solicited version of the Andy Kubert variant includes Batman's utility belt, which is completely cropped out of the printed version.

Regular cover
Art by Gary Frank

Variant cover (as printed)
Art by Andy Kubert
Variant cover (solicited)
Art by Andy Kubert

Action Comics v1 #860 - February 2008
Part 3 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc.

Regular cover
Art by Gary Frank
Variant cover
Art by Steve Lightle

Action Comics v1 #861 - March 2008
Part 4 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc.

Regular cover
Art by Gary Frank
Variant cover
Art by Mike Grell

Legion of Super-Heroes (vol 5) #37 - March 2008
Meanwhile, on the main title, the team of Jim Shooter and Francis Manapul were starting a new run on the Threeboot while the Retroboot was still going on, and Manapul produced a diptych set of covers.

Cover A (left side)
Art by Francis Manapul
Cover B (right side)
Art by Francis Manapul

This one fits together nicely as a single poster (though it would have been nice to have been able to see it without the cover copy).

Action Comics v1 #862 - April 2008
Part 5 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc.

Regular cover
Art by Gary Frank
Variant cover
Art by Keith Giffen

Action Comics v1 #863 - May 2008
Part 6 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc, the finale. In 2010, the regular cover was reprinted with the interior of issue #859 as a special edition promoting the collected version of the story (see the 2006-2007 Field Guide).

Regular cover
Art by Gary Frank
Variant cover
Art by Gary Frank

DC Universe #0 - June 2008
This was the bridge between Countdown (which had just ended, counting down from #52 to #1) and Final Crisis (which counted up from #1), but a transition story not really a part of either. The textless version of the cover is shown just because of the gorgeous George Pérez artwork. The center column of the first printing, which shows the Legion, was later made a part of the Legion of 3 Worlds trade paperback cover.

First printing cover
Art by George Pérez
Second printing cover
Art by Ivan Reis (Green Lantern),
George Pérez (Superman/LSH),
& Aaron Lopresti (Wonder Woman)

Regular cover (textless)
Art by George Pérez

Legion of Super-Heroes (vol 5) #44 - September 2008
This one has a Neal Adams variant cover.

Regular cover
Art by Francis Manapul & John Livesay
Variant cover
Art by Neal Adams

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #1 - October 2008
Spinning out of "Final Crisis", this series had the Reboot, the Threeboot, and the Retroboot Legions all meet up for the second time (the first was in an untold tale). The trade dress on this series resembled that on the main series, with one cover being a full image of a character and the other cover showing only a sliver of action in the middle third of the page. At a Diamond Retailer Roundtable Program (RRP) summit, they were given a special incentive cover which was the pencils-only version of the main cover.

Main cover (first printing)
Art by George Pérez
Sliver cover
Art by George Pérez

RRP variant cover
Art by George Pérez
Second printing
Art by George Pérez

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #2 - November 2008
Same trade dress for part 2. After this, the title fell way behind schedule, the next issue didn't come out for five months, until the April cover date. The sliver cover homages Justice League of America #1, the first time the JLA met the JSA.

Main cover
Art by George Pérez
Sliver cover
Art by George Pérez


Justice Society of America v3 #22 - February 2009
Part 7 of the "Thy Will Be Done" story arc.

Regular cover
Art by Alex Ross
Variant cover
Art by Dale Eaglesham

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #3 - April 2009
After a several-month delay, issue 3 is out.

Main cover
Art by George Pérez
Sliver cover
Art by George Pérez

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4 - June 2009
Part 4, Brainiac 5 gets the portrait this time. Notice that the printed version is different from the solicited version in the image that appears in the lightning rod.

Sliver cover
Art by George Pérez

Main cover (solicited)
Art by George Pérez
Main cover (as printed)
Art by George Pérez

Justice Society of America v3 #26 - June 2009
Three variants for this issue combine to make one large image.

Left side
Art by Alex Ross
Art by Alex Ross
Right side
Art by Alex Ross

The entire triptych with no trade dress

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #5 - September 2009
Part 5, the final issue (which has come out after the main Final Crisis series has already ended).

Main cover
Art by George Pérez
Sliver cover
Art by George Pérez

Adventure Comics v2 #1/#504 - October 2009
Adventure Comics (Volume 2) was a revival of the old series of the same name. It featured Superboy and Legion stories, as well as three Blackest Night tie-ins. After #12, the old numbering was picked up again at Adventure Comics (Volume 1) #516. The main cover had the new numbering #1-12 with a shadow legacy number, while the variant cover showed the legacy numbering starting with #504 on top of a shadow number from the regular cover.

Notice that the solicited version of the variant cover had Superboy-Prime blacked out so as to not spoil his appearance.

Main cover
Art by Francis Manapul

Variant cover (solicited)
Art by Francis Manapul
Variant cover (as printed)
Art by Francis Manapul

Adventure Comics v2 #2/#505 - November 2009
Main cover is Superboy, variant cover is mainly the Legion.

Main cover
Art by Francis Manapul
Variant cover
Art by Francis Manapul

Adventure Comics v2 #3/#506 - December 2009
Main cover is Superboy, variant cover is mainly the Legion.

Main cover
Art by Francis Manapul
Variant cover
Art by Francis Manapul

Superman Secret Origin #2 - December 2009
This 6-issue miniseries gave the history of Superman in the post-Infinite Crisis Retroboot era, when it was shown that he had been Superboy when younger and had joined the Legion. The main cover was part of a connected series (seen below).

Main cover
Art by Gary Frank
Variant cover
Art by Gary Frank

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