LSH v4 Annual #3 annotations part 2: The Worst Legion v4 Retcon Ever
Annotations for Legion of Super-Heroes v4 Annual #3 part 2
Episode 608, Annual 3 part 2, 5YL part 34, Terra Mosaic part 7
- On sale 5/12/92
- It's OK, I'm a Senator:
- Legion of Substitute Podcasters episode 608 (June 8, 2020)
- Timeline: 4/23/95 and 4/30-5/2/95

- This is the second story in the issue. The first one covered Timber Wolf on Talus in 2995 and Earth in 1992.
- Page 28 panel 1: To set the stage: this is late April 2995. Blok was killed on 11/21 but his body wasn’t delivered to Winath by Roxxas until 11/27 (issue #3), and everyone gathered on Winath (presumably for the funeral) on 12/3 when Roxxas attacked (issue #10).
- Page 28 panel 3: Recall that Dacey and Doritt were born on April 13 (issue #20).
- Page 28 panel 7: We now know this is a flashback to sometime before the first story in this Annual, since they say Brin isn’t going to make it more than a few days. According to the Sourcebook, Brin and Aria leave on 4/30.
- Page 28 panel 9: The christening for the twins will be “next week”. We already have a few days gap in the timeline between Wed 4/22 (end of Quiet Darkness, BION finds and fights adult Laurel, SW6 and Devlin escape the tunnels and meet Universo in New Mexico, and Weisinger chambers captured, in issues #24, 25, and 26) and Sat 4/25 (Legionnaires in Resistance find out about SW6 Legion, BION subdued on Talus, and Dirk’s pod discovered, in issues #27-28). So Thurs 4/23 or Fri 4/24 fits.
- Page 29: it’s “next week”. Day 1 on Winath (April 30). Shuttle #1 arrives with Lydda, Rond & Lauren, Ayla, and Proty II. Imra, Garth, Graym, and Mekt are there.
- If Rokk is here, that makes this May 1 since he was on Talus on April 30 (as noted in issue #30), but as we'll see, too many days are shown in this issue for this to be May 1st. However, if we assume Rokk is actually not here and just disregard his presence in that one panel, we can move this up a day to April 30. Since the rest of the Talus gang arrive the next day, let’s just pretend that Rokk isn’t actually there now because that makes the timeline fit. There's other stuff happening on April 30 too, as we'll track below.
- Ayla was last seen in LSH v4 #20
- Vi was last seen in LSH v4 #20
- Rond was last seen in LSH v4 #29
- Lydda was last seen in LSH v4 #20
- Proty II was last seen in Son of Ambush Bug #5 (though this is arguably non-canonical since Ambush Bug is involved)
- Mekt was last seen in LSH v4 #11 after being injured by Roxxas
- Page 30: Imra sees Garth and a bunch of mini-Protys at night. We only know of one (Proty II), so who are the others? Hmmm...
- Page 31: Day 2 on Winath, Shuttle #2 arrives (May 1). Projectra, Gim, Yera, Nura (with Tab), Cham, Kent, and Garridan. The presence of Cham and Kent suggest that Rokk, Kono, Jo, and Loomis also came in on this ship, since they are all seen later. The presence of Garridan suggests that he either came from Quarantine to Talus (while Jeckie, Gim, Yera, and Nura came there as well, separately or together) or that they had to swing by Quarantine to get him on their way to Winath since at 10 years old he's probably not old enough to travel alone. Brainy, Celeste, and Laurel are the only ones from Talus who did not come to Winath (perhaps Laurel wasn't healed enough to leave).
- Projectra was last seen in LSH v4 #18 after the Dark Circle tried to kill her
- Gim was last seen in LSH v4 #13 on Quarantine when Persuader attacked
- Yera was last seen in LSH v3 #58
- Nura was last seen in LSH v4 #3 (not counting issue #22 where we heard her voice mail or issue #28 where she appeared in flashback)
- Garridan was last seen in LSH v4 #13 on Quarantine
- Graym was last seen in LSH v4 #10 on Winath
- Page 32: this reminder of how Proty I sacrificed himself for Garth (ADV #312) is there for foreshadowing. Unfortunately, it is as subtle as a brick, and it's something that Imra has never brought up before. I can only think of one time (LSH v3 #45, the 40th anniversary spotlight on Lightning Lad) when even he brought it up.
- Page 33 panel 3: Kent tells Ayla about Brin, establishing that this is after the first story in this issue
- Page 33 panel 6: that’s Chuck and Luornu in the back with Imra and Garridan
- Chuck and Lu last seen in LSH v4 #18 after the Khund invasion of Xolnar
- Page 35 panel 3: Nura asks about Mysa, Kono said she “went off on some treasure hunt or something” a couple weeks ago (April 13, issue #20).
- Page 35 panel 7: We found out that Yera replaced Vi in LSH v2 #305
- Page 36 panel 1: Ayla and Vi think that Bounty is Dawnstar
- Page 36 panel 2: Wildfire is gone (missing in Black Dawn), Quislet is gone (left back in LSH v3 #51, never returned), Brek is on Tartarus (last seen on 12/27 in issue #14)
- Page 36 panels 7-8: Cham, Loomis, and ogling the girls, using binoculars
- Page 36 panel 9: Holt and Mekt (miscolored hair)
- Page 37 panels 1-3: Jo has hooked up with Nura
- Page 37 panels 4-6: Yera, Nura, Shady, Jeckie ogling the guys, using binoculars
- Shady last seen in LSH v4 #23 on Altair when Valor leaves her behind
- Page 38 panel 2: Imra in her pink bikini; Garth being a “brash, self-centered daredevil” is a retcon, he was not like that in the Adventure era
- Page 38 panel 5: Garth, Rokk, and Rond bonding over diapers
- Page 39 panel 2: The Naltor Dreamers were a Moopsball team first mentioned in ADV 366. Jo, Kent, Gim, Yera, Ayla, Vi, Garth, Garridan, Graym, Nura, Tab, Jeckie, Kono at the ballpark with Thom and wife Yvyya
- Page 40 panels 1-3: discussion of the old Legion romances, the fact that not all of them stuck together makes sense when you recall that they were all late teens to early 20s, and not every high school-era relationship lasts.
- Who did last? Garth/Imra, Shady/Valor, Chuck/Lu, Rokk/Lydda
- Who didn’t last? Brin/Ayla, Nura/Thom, Brainy/Laurel
- Special mention: Jeckie/Val, Jo/Tinya, Wildfire/Dawnstar (one partner in each pair died or went missing), and Gim/Yera (one not a Legionnaire)
- Page 40 panel 4: Yera is trying to avoid Vi, Gim is kind of rude to Vi about it
- Page 41 panel 3: Chuck, Lu, Rokk, Imra, and Proty II in the statue garden; Don and Dawn executed 3/27 (issue #17), Marella Tao killed in early April (issue #18), Gym’ll killed in the explosion of Luna on 4/11 (issue #19).
- Page 41 panel 4: Jed and Berta (aka Power Boy and Nightwind) killed during the Khundish invasion of Xolnar on 3/22 (issue #17)
- Page 41 panel 8: it’s a Legionnaire statue (with an SW6 costume), and WHO THE HELL IS THAT? We’ll find out in a couple issues.
- Page 42 panels 8-9: Tenzil has hooked up with both Nura and Jeckie
- Page 43 panel 2: back to the Terra Mosaic for a moment, while Cham and Rokk check in with Valor and King Jonn
- Page 44 panels 1-3: Group 1 (Kent, Jo, Loomis, Ayla, Vi) at a dive bar
- Page 44 panels 4-6: Group 2 (Yvyya, Thom, Nura, Tab, Yera, Gim, Holt, Mekt, Kono) at a disco, Kono isn’t happy
- Page 44 panels 7-9: Group 3 (Garth, Imra, Lydda, Rokk, Lu, Chuck, Graym, Garridan, Rond, Lauren) at the Ranzz residence, joined by Kono
- Page 45 panels 1-3: Group 4 (Cham, Proty II, Tellus, Jeckie, Shady) at a fancy restaurant, joined by Kono
- Tellus was last seen in LSH v3 #63 at the end of the Magic Wars (not counting his flashback in Dirk’s memories in LSH v4 #28)
- Page 45 panel 6: Luornu flirts with Gim, right after Yera leaves (that has to be Yera, despite what Tom Bierbaum says in IOKIAS, since Lu is back at the Ranzz place)
- Page 45 panel 9: Kono has joined Group 1, Kent thinks Brainy knows more about Brin than he’s letting on (which he does)
- Page 46: pre-dawn on Winath day 3 (May 2), we see the six mini-Protys merge into one: it’s super mecha anime Voltron Proty! Vi and Ayla spot Gim and “Luornu” in the water, thinking it’s really her and not Yera
- Page 47 panels 3-4: foreshadowing of maybe something going on with Luornu and her “multiple personalities”?
- Page 47 panel 5: “rumors about Lu and Valor” may have stemmed from whatever took the place of the Mordru in the 20th century story (ADV 367), since we saw Lu have the hots for Superboy in that story; also remember that Lu was a part of the Conspiracy against Glorith
- Page 51 panel 9: way to make the day all about you, Lydda!
- Page 53: Garth and the mini-Protys, overheard by Ayla saying that he’s really Proty I in Garth’s body. “Garth and the Mini-Protys” is my new band name.
- Page 53 panel 8: Who or what is Kid Quantum?
- Page 54 panel 2: Ayla says “I was never really fooled” except that not once in the last 40+ years of publishing history did she ever mention anything remotely like it. I call BS.
- Page 55 panel 9: Rokk and Lydda’s baby was born, in stable condition
- Page 56: night, Garth tries to tell Imra but he can’t. There’s no way that one of the strongest telepaths in the galaxy doesn’t know her husband intimately, even from back when they were just kids. I call BS.
- Reconciling the timeline: If you’ll recall, in issue #30 we saw Rokk and Cham discuss with Valor his mission to Earth after Wellington’s death, which was shown in the comic to be on 4/30. According to the Sourcebook, Timber Wolf and Aria also leave on 4/30. That means that both scenes set on Talus – Rokk, Cham, and Valor (issue #30); and Kent, Brainy, Kono, Jo, Celeste, Aria, and Brin in part 1 of this issue – take place on the same day, presumably on different parts of Talus. The Sourcebook also says that Pol Jath Krinn is born on May 2. (Also recall that I had to assume that Rokk isn't really there on page 31, in order to make this fit.)
- Prologue on page 1 takes place prior to Brin’s disappearance, with enough time to hold the christening “next week”.
- Side note: if Jacques found out about the SW6 Legion on 4/25, why has he not reached out to the other adult Legionnaires in the week or so since?
- Day 1 (4/30): Shuttle #1 arrives on Winath. That night, Imra sees Garth with Proteans.
- Day 2 (5/1): Shuttle #2 arrives on Winath. Baseball game, everyone goes out for the night. Garth meets the Proteans again pre-dawn.
- Day 3 (5/2): the Ranzz twins christening, Pol’s birth, Ayla finds out about Garth, Garth tries to tell Imra at night.
- Current or former Legionnaires not present on Winath for the christening:
- On Talus, probably: Brainy and Celeste, with Laurel
- On Earth: Valor, Bounty, and Jan (each on a mission); Jacques, Tyroc, Tenzil (with the Resistance in Africa)
- “Off on some treasure hunt or something”: Mysa
- On Tartarus: Brek
- Presumed dead: Tinya, Wildfire, Dirk
- Whereabouts (or whenabouts) unknown: Quislet, Brin
- From one perspective, the whole Proty/Garth thing makes sense, if you assume that the machine that brought Mon-El back to life (and stuck Eltro Gand in his body) was the same one that was used to bring Lightning Lad back to life. I get that. But one of the worst things about this run is their taking 20 year old fan fiction and turning it into canon. But like Dr Ian Malcolm said, “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”
- Top 3 all-time worst retcons or just bad ideas in this series, ranked:
- 3: Sun Boy fails as a Legionnaire and joins Earthgov
- 2: wait til you see issue 31
- 1: Garth Ranzz revealed to have been Proty I all along

Here's what we know of the timeline to date. I'm color coding them based on whether the date appeared in the 2995 Sourcebook (yellow), it's a confirmed date that was given in the comic (green), or an estimated date based on keeping track of events and days (cyan). Bold text is something new added this issue. Italics are unknown dates.
- 6/11/1992 - Aria tries to take the dying Brin Londo back in time to prevent his father from administering the first Zuunium injection, but accidentally dumps them both in the 20th century (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 1).
- 3/26/2978 Dark Circle obtained updated cell samples from when Dr. Zan Orbal restored bodies and powers to Matter-Eater Lad, Lightning Lad, and Bouncing Boy on Tartarus, to complete their collection (LSH v4 #22).
- 10/78 Doppelganger substitution during Dark Circle invasion (LSH v4 #22).
- 2/17/89 – Mekt admitted to Labyrinth Penal Institute (LSH v4 #10).
- 6/23/89 – Magic Wars end (LSH v3 #63)
- Sept 2989 – Polymer shield around Earth removed, Earthgov debt soars (LSH v4 #30)
- October 2989 – the Great Collapse
- 11/2/89 – Tayla Wellington elected President (LSH v4 #30)
- 1/19/90 – Mutual assistance pact signed with the Dominion; Earthgov officially secedes from the United Planets (LSH v4 #30)
- 4/13/90 – Communique from Earthgov President Wellington, trying to legally disband the Legion, with Imra, Rokk, and Cham “currently out of the picture” (LSH v4 #1).
- April 2990 – Validus Plague ravages Winath; former Legionnaire Brainiac 5 helps (LSH v4 #3).
- 6/7/90 – Legion Academy closes (LSH v4 #16).
- 7/6/90 – Former Legion Academy heads Chuck and Luornu Durgo Taine open the United Planets Militia Academy (LSH v4 #16).
- TBD 2990 – Earthgov secedes from the United Planets, and the Science Police Earth splits from the Science Police Proper (LSH v4 #2). Since then, “resistance forces have opposed Earthgov since the introduction of repressive measures… but with little success to date.” (LSH v4 #13)
- 4/12/91 – Tinya goes missing; she was secretly sent back in time by Glorith (LSH v4 #2).
- 5/8/91 – Search for Tinya called off; Jo resigns; Sun Boy is leader (LSH v4 #2).
- 5/27/91 – Mekt released from Labyrinth, rehabilitated (LSH v4 #10).
- 6/9/91 – Planned date of wedding of Tinya and Jo (LSH v4 #2).
- July 2991 – Reported threats regarding Earthgov failure to pay debts (LSH v4 #30).
- 8/12/91 – Black Dawn; Timber Wolf is seriously injured, Wildfire is lost; Starfinger II (Char Burrane) and the Khunds are somehow involved (LSH v4 #12, #28).
- 8/14/91 – It is now postulated that full Domination of Earthgov began at this time (LSH v4 #30).
- 8/15/91 – Blok, Dawnstar, and Dream Girl resign (LSH v4 #28).
- 8/17/91 – Crystal Kid resigns (LSH v4 #28).
- 8/23/91 – Element Lad resigns (LSH v4 #28).
- 9/1/91 – Impulse resigns (LSH v4 #28).
- 9/4/91 – Echo and Tellus resign (LSH v4 #28).
- 9/14/91 – Sun Boy resigns and appoints Polar Boy as unofficial temporary leader (LSH v4 #28). 10/8/91 – Imsk sets off the Damper weapon on Venado Bay on Braal-13 during the Imsk/Braal War. Rokk lost his powers, Loomis lost an arm. Salu was head of security on the damper project and knew what it would do, but fought against it (not hard enough, in her admission). Imsk won, as the army is occupying Braal (LSH v4 #1). She says that Braal attacked Imsk, and they were just defending themselves (LSH v4 #10).
- TBD 2991 – Garth and Imra, having left the Legion, start the Lightning Ring Plantation (LSH v4 #3).
- 1/21/92 – Rebirth Summit (LSH v4 #1).
- 7/6/92 – LSH leader Polar Boy disbands the Legion, mentions Black Dawn which “cost” the Legion (LSH v4 #1); Mordru coronated as the Supreme Teacher of Sorceror’s World (LSH v4 #6).
- TBD 1992 – Down and out, Dirk is rescued by Shvaughn Erin, who warns him not to trust Earthgov, but he doesn’t trust her. Dirk is later recruited by Circe (LSH v4 #28)
- 8/22/92 – Brek Bannin arrested for insurrection (LSH v4 #11).
- 9/9/92 – Dirk joins Earthgov as a spokesman and liaison (LSH v4 #28)
- 4/11/93 – Announcement of upcoming wedding of Grev Mallor (of the City People) to Kahnya Nahtahnie (Lady Memory of the Hill People) on Talok VIII.
- 8/14/93 – wedding of Grev Mallor and Kahnya Nahtahnie.
- 1/17/94 – Marzal reappears over Africa and the corrupt Earthgov destroys it, but not before Tyroc escapes (LSH v4 #16).
- 10/22/94 – Raid on anti-government terrorists, but ringleader Vidar (aka Universo) is not captured; Cham tells Marla he’s leaving (LSH v4 #1).
- 10/23/94 – Cham begins to recruit members for the new Legion, first approaching Rokk; Vi leaves the Imsk army for Winath; Dominator agents help Roxxas escape from Labyrinth (LSH v4 #1).
- 10/25/94 – Attack on Jo and Kono on Rimbor; Loomis and Lydda en route to Kathoon (LSH v4 #2).
- Fri 11/21/94 – Blok is killed by Roxxas the Butcher (LSH v4 #3).
- Thu 11/27/94 – Mordru crushes Rond Vidar’s ring; Rokk and Cham finally meet up with Jo and decide to go to Tharn to rescue Mysa; Dominators and Shvaughn Erin watch the tape of Roxxas and Blok, whose body is delivered to Winath; Mon-El resurrected (LSH v4 #3).
- Fri 11/28/94 – Mon-El goes to Talok VIII, then Shadow Lass and Mon-El visit Brainiac 5, then Mon-El destroys the Time Trapper (LSH v4 #4).
- Sat 11/29/94 – Mordruverse (LSH v4 #5).
- Sat 11/29/94 – Cham, Rokk, Jo, Kono, and Furball arrive on Tharn and are captured by Mordru; after being hired by Earthgov to find Blok’s killer, Celeste, Devlin, and Bounty leave for Trom (LSH v4 #6).
- Sun 11/30/94 – Celeste, Devlin, and Bounty meet Jan on Trom (LSH v4 #6); with the help of Laurel Gand, Rokk’s crew rescues Mysa and Rond from Mordru but are teleported to Grocz; Celeste, Devlin, Bounty, and Jan leave Trom for Winath (LSH v4 #7); Earthgov links to Roxxas reported, riots ensue (LSH 4 #30).
- Mon 12/1/94 – Rokk, Cham, Jo, Kono, Furball, Rond, Laurel, and Mysa travel from Grocz to Zirr (LSH v4 #8).
- Tues 12/2/94 – Rokk, Laurel, and Rond take some R&R time on Zirr with baby Lauren, while the others go to Winath; Marla reminisces (LSH v4 #8); on Cygnus IV, Roxxas watches a holo of Laurel Gand; Celeste, Devlin, Bounty, and Jan arrive on Winath (LSH v4 #9).
- Wed 12/3/94 – Rokk and Rond arrive in the morning, having left Laurel behind on Zirr; everyone (Rokk, Rond; Cham, Jo, Kono, Furball, Mysa; Celeste, Devlin, Bounty, Jan; Brainy, Garth, Ayla, Vi, Imra) is on Winath when Roxxas attacks; Bounty, Mekt, Cham, and Celeste are seriously injured, while Jo disappears and is presumed dead; Earthgov linked to Roxxas; Tenzil arrives on Earth (LSH v4 #10).
- Thu 12/4/94 – On Winath, Roxxas is on the loose, and kills a doctor and nurse in the Bloomfield Free Clinic. On Earth, Tenzil participates in the Batcave dig, meets with Shvaughn and Brek (who is released for the first time since incarceration 2 years prior), has dinner with Prosecutor Jakobi, then falls asleep. (LSH v4 #11).
- Fri 12/5/94 – Tenzil and Brek in court; Holo Scene news article on the trial (LSH v4 #11); Celeste is healed by a green glow; the former Legionnaires team up to capture Roxxas, who reveals Dominion control of Earthgov (LSH v4 #12).
- Wed 12/10/94 – All-points bulletin on Persuader, who meets Kent Shakespeare in on Quarantine trying to attack Char Burrane Jr. (LSH v4 #12). Persuader is defeated by Kent and SP Captain Gim Allon, who then takes Kent to Toonar (LSH v4 #13).
- Thu 12/11/94 – Kent leaves Toonar for Winath; Laurel fights Khunds in deep space; Tenzil and Brek on Gnogg. (LSH v4 #13).
- Sun 12/14/94 – The Legion is formally reinstated.
- Mon 12/16/94 – Tenzil, Brek, and Calorie Queen are taken to Tartarus by Prince Evillo; Tenzil banished to the Realm of Darkness (LSH v4 #14).
- Thu 12/25/94 – Garth, Cham, and Rokk remotely survey Talus (LSH v4 #14).
- Fri 12/26/94 – Tenzil and Sugyn return from the Realm of Darkness, only to hear that Tenzil has been declared dead and his Senate seat vacated (LSH v4 #14).
- Sat 12/27/94 – Loomis writes his report on Talus’ suitability for being the new HQ; Tenzil leaves Brek behind on Tartarus and heads for Winath (LSH v4 #14).
- Sun 12/28/94 – The reformed Legion establishes headquarters on the asteroid world of Talus.
- Sat 1/3/95 – Tenzil Kem rejoins the Legion.
- Sun 1/11/95 – Orando falls to the Khunds (LSH v4 #15).
- Mon 1/12/95 – The Legion agrees to team with the United Planets Militia to beat back a Khundish invasion that threatens the heart of the United Planets (LSH v4 #15).
- Exact date unknown – Cham meets with a Khundish double agent; Venegar falls to the Khunds, who then make a deal with the Hill People of Talok VIII; the UP Militia tries to decide if Xolnar or Talok VIII will be attacked next; Valor and Shadow Lass appear on Talok VIII; Khunds attack Xolnar; Circe wants Dirk to give a pro-Dominator speech (LSH v4 #15).
- Exact date unknown – Last stand on Xolnar; introduction of the Resistance on Earth (LSH v4 #16).
- Fri 3/13/95 – SP Officer Roon Dvron’s police report on Sussa Paka (LSH v4 #22, 23, 27).
- Sat 3/14/95 - Sussa Paka escape SP custody, steals Starfinger's helmet for Molock Hanscom on the way out (LSH v4 #27).
- Sun 3/22/95 – Khund decoy fleet arrives at Talok VIII, while the main fleet attacks Xolnar, leading to the death of Jed “Power Boy” Rikane; after destroying the Talok fleet, the Legion and the UP Militia arrive at Xolnar to finish the Khundish fleet; Glorith sent to the end of time; the Khunds are driven back to pre-2995 borders, and the Legion concludes its participation in the war against Khundish encroachment (LSH v4 #17).
- Wed 3/25/95 – Don and Dawn Allen are arrested by Earthgov (LSH v4 #17).
- Thurs 3/26/95 – Don and Dawn Allen are put on trial (LSH v4 #17); Sussa Paka steals Earthgov Artifact J-1-WRTZ for Molock Hanscom (LSH v4 #27).
- Fri 3/27/95 – Tensions increase on Earth with the execution of Legion friends Don and Dawn Allen. (Note that 3/27/95 is a Friday, while the comic says it happened on a Monday) (LSH v4 #17); additional riots, and martial law is instituted (LSH v4 #30).
- Sat 3/28/95 – Daily Planet article on the Allen executions (LSH v4 #17).
- Exact date unknown – Valor and Shadow Lass help counter a Dark Circle attempt on Queen Projectra’s life on Orando, then remove the Dark Circle cultists from Carggg; Universo and Jacques meet; holo studio bombing allegedly by one of the Resistance groups (LSH v4 #18).
- Thu 4/9/95 – Valor and Shadow Lass leave Carggg on their way to some R&R in deep space (LSH v4 #22).
- Sat 4/11/95 – Luna is destroyed, ravaging Earth (LSH v4 #19) and causing powerspheres to detonate across the globe, with a death toll in the billions and widespread environmental devastation (LSH v4 #30). The mysterious “SW6" Legionnaires awaken in an underground Dominion chamber on Earth. (LSH v4 #20, 25) Earthgov authorizes executions. (LSH v4 #25).
- Sun 4/12/95 – Jo Nah returns from an extended journey through time (LSH v4 #19) and is added to the reformed adult Legion team; the SW6 Legion encounters Devlin O’Ryan (LSH v4 #20); all outside aid to Earth is rejected (LSH v4 #30).
- Mon 4/13/95 – Dacey and Doritt Ranzz are born to ex-Legionnaires Garth and Imra Ardeen Ranzz. Rokk recalls the events of Venado Bay as the Dominators start executing Science Police Earth officers who are revolting against the Dominators. Mysa Nal is contacted by the spirit of Amethyst (LSH v4 #20). After being exposed to the null radiation from the detonation of Metropolis' powersphere on the 11th, Devlin is getting worse. (LSH v4 #25).
- Wed 4/15/95 – Furball meets Aria on Zuun, unaware that she’s being hunted by Darkseid; Atmos revealed to have been killed by Project Champion; the Dominators begin harsher punishment of insurrectionists on Earth (LSH v4 #21).
- Fri 4/17/95 – Jo, Celeste, and Kent on the way to Zuun to get Brainy and Furball; on Talus, Kono reads Nura’s unanswered messages to Mysa; on Altair, Valor finds troubling news from a Dark Circle computer (LSH v4 #22).
- Sat 4/18/95 – Disease and rebellion reported widespread on Earth; Dominators performing mass executions (LSH v4 #30).
- Exact date unknown: members of the Dark Circle recount the history of Valor.
- Mon 4/20/95 – Devlin is healing and appears to have powers just like Reflecto of Rimbor (LSH v4 #29).
- Tues 4/21/95 – Jo, Celeste, and Kent arrive at Zuun (LSH v4 #22).They are briefly detained but they escape to the surface and meet up with Brainy and Furball, but Lobo captures and leaves with Aria; during the escape, Celeste generates a burst of intense green energy. On Earth, Resistance leader Jacques has Laurel and Bounty meet up with Circe, who has turned against the Dominators and Earthgov. Valor leaves Shady to go to Earth to check into what he found (LSH v4 #23).
- Wed 4/22/95 – Lobo brings Aria to Darkseid, followed by Jo, Kent, Celeste, Brainy, and Furball. Lobo is revealed to be merely a probe and Darkseid vanishes him, and then turns Furball back into Brin. The Gemini Matrix activates and Aria turns into an adult Gemini and blasts Darkseid, per his secret wish, who then disappears. Back on Earth, BION discovers the adult Laurel Gand while looking for the SW6 version, and the SW6 Legionnaires reveal themselves to Devlin (LSH v4 #24). The SW6 Legionnaires and Devlin escape the tunnels and link up with Universo and the Earth Resistance (LSH v4 #25), and then quickly go to the Resistance HQ in New Mexico. The Subs and Universo’s Resistance team capture the Weisigner Chambers from the Dominators, while BION follows Laurel to Talus (LSH v4 #26).
- Thu 4/23/95 – Garth and Imra decide to hold the christening of their new twins next week, on Saturday May 2 (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 2).
- Sat 4/25/95 - Legionnaires in Africa with the Resistance and the SW6 Batch become aware of each other; the Subs and Grin’s resistance team discover others in the Weisinger Chambers; Rokk, Kono, and Loomis manage to subdue BION on Talus (LSH v4 #27). Dirk Morgna’s pod is discovered (LSH v4 #28).
- Sun 4/26/95 – On Talus, Brainiac 5 studies BION, and Valor suggests that the adult Legionnaires may be clones. Monica Sade is released from the Weisinger chambers, and then Dominator troops temporarily gain control of the Chambers. Circe and Bounty plan to take out Pinnacle Command, while the Dominators prepare mind-wiped agents to attack the Subs (LSH v4 #29).
- Thu 4/30/95 – Tensions on Earth reach the breaking point when President Tayla Wellington is assassinated by the Dominion during a live broadcast (LSH v4 #29, 30). Aria tries to take the dying Brin Londo back in time to prevent his father from administering the first Zuunium injection, but accidentally dumps them both in the 20th century (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 1). Legionnaires begin to arrive on Winath for a reunion to attend the christening of Dacey and Doritt Ranzz (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 2).
- Fri 5/1/95 - On Earth, the Subs battle mind-wiped Dominator agents; the Dominators and UP fleets meet up in orbit around Earth (LSH v4 #30). More Legionnaires arrive on Winath for the christening; the Naltor Dreamers defeat the Winath Jaybirds 6-1, clinching their first pennant since 2980 (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 2).
- Sat 5/2/95: Dacey and Doritt's christening; Pol Jath Krinn is born to Rokk Krinn and his wife Lydda; Ayla Ranzz learns that Garth is really Proty I, inhabiting her brother's re-animated body (LSH v4 Ann 3 part 2).
“Jo has hooked up with Nura”? That’s what you take from that? I mean, it’s certainly possible, but my first explanation would be that he was getting her help seeing if Tinya was still out there somewhere. Presumably unsuccessfully.
You should read the "It's OK, I'm a Senator" posts from Tom Bierbaum, it's a fascinating look behind the scenes of how the book was written. From the post linked at the top:
"Some very clear implications that Nura had in the past fooled around with Jo and Tenzil, if not others, and that Tenzil and Projectra had teamed up as well."
After reading that, I assumed it was some time after Tinya disappeared. Maybe Jo went there for a consult but ended up getting comfort instead.
I have read them, but... well, anyway, I thought what I thought.
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