Monday, October 09, 2006

Dial A for Animated

So we've got three whole weeks to kill with no new episodes. You get spoiled really fast with a weekly show, this is like four times harder than a monthly comic.

After three episodes, it's clear that the creative staff is playing with us. Booster Gold in the first episode, Lobo and the JLA Watchtower in the third, Interlac being used correctly, the Mission Monitor Board symbols, cameos by Tyroc and Blok on the viewscreens... what Easter Eggs will they come up with next? JK Parkin at Blog@Newsarama noticed that too. The STX Super-Hero Site has stills of Timber Wolf's swearing-in ceremony with the cameos, plus stills from the opening credits showing the Mission Monitor Board symbols.

Lizard_SF has review that was too late to put in the regular column here.

The story gave more characterization to this version of Brainiac...he's a terminal Superboy fanboy. So if the original Brainy was hot for Supergirl, does this mean this version is...ah...running on alternate current? Just how many useful attachments does he have? We also got a bit of characterization for Phantom Girl, which is, let's face it, more than she ever had during the Silver Age.

Finally, the latest issue of "Animation Magazine" (with "Open Season" on the cover, the October 2006 issue) has a one-page feature story (not online) on the Legion show. It's part of their Fall TV Preview coverage. It's a good article, though not spellchecked very well: for example, the show centers on Superman "and 5 [sic] other core members of his group - Lighting Lad [sic], Saturn Girl, Timber Wolf, Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy, and Phantom Girl." We do find out that the animation is mostly done at Dong Woo and Lotto Studios in South Korea, mostly the 2D stuff, with some CG effects. The article also includes an image of a storyboard drawing from the opening credits.
Tucker says he's been happy that the team has been faithful to the many different incartions of the Legion. "The fandom is very loyal... they're like country music fans in many way [sic]," says Tucker. "I know these characters have gone through numerous changes. The comic book has stopped and started again and been re-booted. But we've tried to absorb a lot of the comic's continuity in our cartoon. I know the show is supposed to stand on its own, but I'm a comic book fan myself. I just can't help it!"

click to read the article

Note the vertical dotted lines on the storyboard image, a good comparison between the full and widescreen versions.

Compare this to a similar shot from the opening credits (from

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