Monday, August 12, 2019

Omnicom back from limbo

I put in a pretty good run on this blog over the years, starting with the rise of comics blogging in 2005 before trailing off and finally just tailing off to nothing in 2011-12. But I never stopped writing and linking, it was just all done at the Omnicom's Facebook page instead (and I hope anyone reading this follows me there too!).

So now what I plan to use this for is long-form writing that's not really appropriate for Facebook, which is much better for just making comments or posting links. One of my ongoing projects is as co-host on the Legion of Substitute Podcasters (Facebook, web, Apple podcast) which I've been doing for the last couple years. We are currently 11 issues into the Five Years Later (5YL) run, which I'm not sure I've read in the last 20 years. So in addition to covering the story, I spend some time each week doing annotations for each issue, pointing out where this person last appeared or when we first went to that planet. I've saved them all and I figured this is a good place to post each issue's annotations, aided in large part by Tom Bierbaum's "It's OK, I'm a Senator" blog in which he gave us the behind-the-scenes of each issue. I haven't really seen that done before; maybe I'll come away from this with a different appreciation for the series as a whole, which I was not fond of back in the day (to put it mildly).

Head over to the Omnicom Facebook page for my regular postings, and check back here periodically for longer stuff. I've got a couple of things I can post while I go back and grab all of the annotations and format it appropriately.

So a new Legion book, huh? It's about sprocking time.


Yeechang Lee said...

Welcome back! Nice to have your feed pop up again on my RSS reader.

Boston Moss said...

Welcome back Micheal!

Keep in mind though, some of us don't do Facebook. Please don't limit yourself to posting over there.