Last part of the episode. All images copyright Warner Brothers Entertainment. Justice League and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.
Pre-credits teaser
Part 1
Part 2
Supergirl tells Brainy and Green Arrow to get to the other ship and shut down the control devices while she holds off GL and the Legion.

Brainy tries to stop her - "You can't go! I lo-- I lied to you. History says that you never returned from this battle."

She and Green Arrow are incredulous, but Brainy says that he hoped it wouldn't come to this. She tells him that there is still a planet full of people who need her help, so the guys should do their job and she'll do hers. She kisses Brainy "in case I don't see you again". Then she leaves.

GA tells Brainy to work on a plan to get them onto the mother ship. Brainy pilots the ship through the laser fire and crashes into the side. He and Green Arrow get out, it gets harder from here.

On the planet, Kara is psyching herself up for the battle - it's just another training mission.

Here comes GL and the Legion! Down goes GL. Down go Saturn Girl and Ultra Boy. Down go Timber Wolf and Colossal Boy.

She throws the giant Colossal Boy into Bouncing Boy, Phantom Girl, and Blok, who crash into the ground. But then she gets zapped by Lightning Lad and falls from the sky.

Back aboard the Fatal Five's ship, Green Arrow and Brainy bust in and Green Arrow shoots one of his enhanced arrows which blows up - but no apparent harm.

The Eye tries to get them but Brainy's force field holds. Green Arrow shoots out a generator, which explodes, blowing the Empress away.

On the planet below, Supergirl is surrounded by Legionnaires. Chameleon Boy gets a fist to the jaw, Wildfire gets a knee to the jaw, Phantom Girl gets a left cross, Cosmic Boy gets a boot to the head. Wildfire flails at her, then she kicks his faceplate just before Blok nails her. Ultra Boy, Saturn Girl, even Blok can't stop her. But a big ship coming down at her takes her to the ground.

Up on the ship, Mano disintegrates one of Green Arrow's arrows and tries to attack him, but GA knocks him down with his bow, such that he hits the deck and burns a hole through which he falls. Mano's only line of dialog is "Aaaaaaaaaa!"

Outside, Cosmic Boy encloses Supergirl in a metal cocoon, but she burns her way out past the waiting Legionnaires. Chameleon Boy changes into a demonic form and tackles her.

While Green Arrow fights Tharok, Brainy is pinned down by a drooling Validus. Tharok doesn't think that Green Arrow can stop them with one of his new arrows, but he riccochets it all over the ship, off of Validus's head and into the control panel - nothing but net.

The panel blows up and a wave goes over the planet. Supergirl is being zapped by Wildfire and Lightning Lad, then Shadow Lass comes up and shoots at her. Kara's not too happy, but she punches her way up the energy column and dispatches all three of them - but then Ultra Boy gets her from behind and she's thrown against a building, slumping down. GL picks her up in some giant pincers and swings her around, through a restaurant and other buildings.

Just in the nick of time, the wave washes over GL and the Legion and they're no longer mind-controlled. But she's beat. GL apologizes, saying he couldn't stop what he was being commanded to do. The Legionnaires start getting un-controlled now.

Phantom Girl asks where they are, and Chuck recognizes Supergirl and GL nearby. In a deliberate homage to the cover of Crisis #7, the Legion hovers around GL, holding Kara.

Back on the ship, Green Arrow is fighting the Persuader, while Validus tosses a battered Brainy at the feet of the Emerald Empress. Who can rescue them?

Why, it's Supergirl, who punches a hole through the robotic Validus, with the rest of the Legion! Bouncing Boy takes out the Empress, then bounces until he knocks Persuader into Tharok.

GA helps Brainy over to the Legionnaires. Brainy and Kara smile at each other.

Later, at the new and improved LSH HQ, Phantom Girl tells Supergirl that they wanted to make her, Green Arrow, and GL honorary Legionnaires.

GL jokes that he's already got a ring, but Chuck says that they can't keep them anyway since the advanced tech could pollute the time stream.

Kara says she's keeping hers - she's not going back. She and Brainy make goo goo eyes at each other. She tells GL that history says that Supergirl never returned from this mission, because she decided to stay in the future. B

ack in the present, Steel and Superman are looking for whatever abducted the three Leaguers. Suddenly GL and Green Arrow appear, and tell Superman that Kara asked him to give Superman a box.

It's a hologram of Kara, asking Clark to say goodbye to his parents for her, and that she's staying because she found a place where she can make a difference, where she's more than just Superman's kid cousin. Also, she met this boy...

GL tells Superman that she did great, and Superman replies that he trusts her judgement. Now, he asks GL and Green Arrow, this boy she likes, does he have a name? GL and GA look at each other. End of episode.
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