The answers to trivia quiz #5:
1. A question in honor of Election Day - who would Dr. Mayavale have voted for in the 1952 US Presidential Election?
Dr. Mayavale wore an "I Like Ike" button around his neck.
2. Another Election Day question - which Legionnaires were involved in planetary-level politics? Whose parents were?
I didn't count Planetary Champions or last survivors, I was looking for politicians.
* Pre-Zero Hour: Projectra was the daughter of the King and later became Queen of Orando. Colossal Boy's mother was President of Earthgov, as were later Invisible Kid II and Tyroc. The mother of Dream Girl and her sister White Witch was High Seer of Naltor. Matter-Eater Lad was a Senator on Bismoll.
* Post-Zero Hour: Apparition's mother was President of Earthgov.
* Animated series: Phantom Girl's mother is President of the United Planets.
RJ Brande and Leland McCauley were both Earthgov Presidents post-Zero Hour, but their offspring (Chameleon Boy and Celeste Rockfish, respectively) were Legionnaires pre-Zero Hour only, so they don't count.
3. In honor of the upcoming Veterans' Day/Remembrance Day, which Legionnaires were war veterans?
My original answer was just Cosmic Boy and Shrinking Violet, both soldiers wounded at Venado Bay in the Imsk/Braal war. I wasn't considering those who fight Huge Threat level battles as Legionnaires (Earthwar, Great Darkness, etc.). Matthew had some ideas about battles in v4 (Xolnar) and the post-ZH reboot (Robotica), but I also would have taken anything where a Legionnaire was on official business with a military operation. I don't remember what else counts as military battles, so I'll give you that as a bonus question.
4. The LSV had a character named Chameleon Chief, who despite his Durlan appearance could not have been one because his power was very different than a normal Durlan's. What was his power?
He had the power to change the shape of other things, not himself.
5. In Adventure 300, how did Saturn Girl develop Serum XY-4, a temporary antidote for poisoning by lead radiation, to let Mon-el out of the Phantom Zone for a while?
a) She used Brainy's Potential-Factors Reorganizer Complex to soften his fate by bisecting and multiplying his urgal psytrops, which temporarily counteracted his lead poisoning.
b) With her super thought casting power, she was in telepathic contact with Mon-el while he was in the Phantom Zone. Mentally, she diagnosed the harm done to his body and figured out what chemical elements would counteract his lead poisoning.
c) She used some negative id elements complicated by F-type ancestral karmatics to zero out the mechano-tracers that sought to recondition his reflexes, which temporarily counteracted his lead poisoning.
d) She initiated the shield grid and reconfigured it to emit a deflector pulse using the auxiliary deflector array in the saucer section. Then she reconfigured the deflector dish to emit an anti-chroniton pulse, which temporarily counteracted his lead poisoning.
Obviously, the answer is (b). Answers (a) and (c), by the way, are verbatim from Adventure 301 where Brainiac 5 was trying to cure the teenage Luthor in the 30th century. Answer (d), of course, is from any number of Star Trek episodes.
6. Put these pre-Zero Hour events in chronological order.
a) Brainiac 5 frames Ultra Boy for the murder of An Ryd.
b) Brainiac 5 creates the Infinite Man in a botched experiment.
c) Brainiac 5 creates a Supergirl sex robot.
d) Brainiac 5 creates Computo which goes on a rampage, killing a Legionnaire.
e) Brainiac 5 nearly destroys LSH HQ with a piece of a white dwarf star.
f) Brainiac 5 cures Danielle Foccart, but blows up the LSH HQ.
g) Brainiac 5 creates Omega which goes on a rampage, goes insane, and is indirectly responsible for blowing up the LSH HQ.
a - Superboy/LSH 239
b - Superboy/LSH 233
c - Superboy 204
d - Adventure 341
e - LSH v3 ???
f - LSH v2 Annual 1
g - Superboy/LSH 250
The correct order is d, c, b, a, g, f, e